Technological Hazards

There are several hazards that could impact the University. 

Knowing what to do should one of these hazards develop is the key to mitigating its impact. 


If you discover a fire:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm in the building.
  • Call 911 or 205-348-5454.

The Tuscaloosa Fire and Rescue Service and the University Police Department will respond to the call.

  • Remember to tell the communication’s operator your name, address, the location and extent of the fire.
  • If you know of any people with disabilities in the building, tell the communications officer.
  • If you think it is possible, confine the fire by closing nearby windows and doors, but do not delay in leaving the building.

Once the fire alarm is activated:

  • Exit the building quickly and calmly.
  • Warn others on your way out.
  • Do not use the elevators.
  • Follow lighted signs to closest exit.
  • When possible, follow the posted evacuation route.
  • An escort should be assigned to each person with a disability.
  • Meet emergency officials outside the building and direct them to the fire.
  • Remain outside at a safe distance and keep others away the building and from emergency vehicles.
  • In all cases, follow the instructions of fire and police personnel on the scene.

If caught in smoke:

  • Do not breathe the smoke.
  • Drop to your knees and crawl to the closest safe exit.
  • Cover nose and mouth with a shirt or towel and breathe through the nose.

If trapped in a building:

  • Close all doors and windows.
  • Wet and place a cloth or material around and under the door to prevent smoke from entering
  • Attempt to signal people outside the building.  Call for help using a telephone or cell phone.

Using a Fire Extinguisher:

  • Report the fire first (call 911 or the University police at 205-348-5454).
  • Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so.  Improper use of an extinguisher can increase the hazard.
  • If you have any doubt of your ability to fight the fire, exit immediately.
  • If you decide to use the fire extinguisher, place yourself between the fire and your exit from the area.

To use the fire extinguisher, follow the PASS method:

  • Pull the pin. This will break the seal if one is provided
  • Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or horn or hose) at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
  • Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until the fire is out.
  • Watch the area.  If the fire reignites, repeat the steps above.

Fire prevention tips and guidelines are available at the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) web site.


Explosions may occur from a variety of causes such as a construction accident, lab accident, gas leak, or intentional acts.

Should an explosion occur on campus:

  • Everyone should remain outside of the building/area at a safe distance.
  • Evacuate the building/area immediately through the closest exit.
  • Contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911.
  • Once you are a safe distance away from the explosion, relay pertinent information to emergency personnel on scene.
Gas Leaks

Many of the buildings on campus use natural gas to for climate control and other purposes.  Should you detect an unusual odor or gas leak, pursue the following measures immediately:

Gas Odor

If you smell natural gas:

  • Leave the area.
  • Call the University Police at 205-348-5454.
  • Do not use ignition sources (cigarettes, electrical devices, etc.).
  • Do not turn on lights or other electrical switches.
  • Warn others in the area.
  • Meet with responding personnel to identify the location of the odor.

Major Leak

If you know there is a natural gas leak:

  • Call the University Police at 205-348-5454 or 911.
  • Prevent sources of ignition. Do not turn on lights or other electrical switches.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Do not re-enter building until authorized by emergency responders.
  • While outside, tell others not to enter the building/area.
  • If needed, meet with responding personnel to provide additional information.
Utility Failures
Building Flooding

Building flooding could impact normal building operations. Ensure there are no life safety issues related to the building flooding. If life safety is a concern, evacuate the area.

Report building flooding to the Customer Service Center at205-348-6001 or after hours contact UAPD at 205-348-5454. Follow the guidance of university officials.

Utility failures can include power outages, loss of communication, and/or loss of water/sewer service.

Power outages:

Power outages have the potential to impact life safety measures within a building. Should a power outage occur, follow emergency lighting to evacuate safely. If possible, assist others if they are unable to evacuate on their own.

  • Notify the Facilities Customer Service Center at 205-348-6001.
  • Contact UAPD for after-hours notification at 205-348-5454 or 911.
  • In most cases, occupants will be unable to use the elevators and must use the stairwells to evacuate the building.
  • If someone is trapped in an elevator, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911.

Loss of Communication:

Limited communication outages may occur on campus such as phone and/or internet service. If possible, contact the Office of Information Technology (OIT) with details regarding the communication problem.

The IT Service Desk can be reached at:

Loss of Water/Sewer Service:

A loss of water or sewer utilities may have the potential to impact life safety measures within a building. Do not attempt to use these utilities during the outage.

  • Follow guidance from university officials.
  • Ensure that UA Facilities is aware of the situation.

If there are any life safety issues, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911.

Structural Collapse

Facilities inspects buildings and has a maintenance plan to address any potential structural issues. If you suspect a structural issue, contact Facilities Customer Service Center immediately at 205-348-6001.

If a structural collapse occurs:

  • Remain outside of the building or away form the area at a safe distance.
  • Evacuate the building/area immediately through the nearest exit.
  • Contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911 as soon as possible.
  • Once you are at a safe distance, relay pertinent information to emergency personnel on scene.
Hazardous Material Incidents

If you are involved or observe a hazardous material incident or release, which includes biological, chemical, radiological, fuel and oil, the following steps should be performed:

  • If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area if it is safe to do so.
  • From a safe area, call 911 or the University Police at 205-348-5454.
  • Be prepared to provide the following information regarding the spill or release:
    • Name of material
    • Quantity of material
    • Time of incident
    • Location of incident
    • If anyone has been injured or exposed to the material
    • If a fire or explosion is involved
    • Your name, phone number and locatio
  • Follow instructions provided by the emergency responders.
  • Arrange for someone to meet the emergency responders.
  • Evacuate, if necessary.  Remain in a safe designated area until released by emergency responders.
  • Present the Material Safety Data Sheet of involved substances to emergency responders if the information is available.
  • Do not attempt to clean up a spill or release.

If you are notified of a hazardous material incident, follow the instructions provided by the emergency service officials:

  • Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency providers, providing assistance to those with special needs.
  • When evacuating, move crosswind, never directly with or against the wind.
  • Account for persons in your area.

The Department of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) oversees and monitors the use of hazardous materials on campus.  More information is available om their web site or at 205-348-5905.

Transportation Accidents

If you are involved in a transportation accident, remain calm and call UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911 to report the accident and any injuries. Follow the guidance of emergency personnel.

  • Remain in a safe location and follow guidance of emergency personnel.
  • Call UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911 to report the accident and any injuries.
  • Provide first aid to any injured, if safely able to do so.

Be prepared.

Valuable emergency preparedness information can be found in the Safer Living Guide.