One of the methods The University of Alabama uses for emergency notification is UA Alerts. This system enhances the University’s ability to reach students, faculty, and staff by simultaneously triggering multiple contact points.
In an emergency, the University will activate the system which may send telephone calls (cell and/or home), email, and text (SMS) messages simultaneously to the campus community.
Users can update their personal information using their myBama portal. Instructions for updating contact information is below. Each night the system automatically updates the database, capturing any changes made by students or employees that day.
There is no cost to users for the notification service; however, mobile users will pay their wireless provider their normal rates for cell and text message usage. Initially, wireless phone numbers will be placed in the UA Alerts text (SMS) message field so that the mobile device can receive University generated text messages. Users who do not want to receive text (SMS) messages from the University through the UA Alerts service must opt-out of the system.
The text message system uses short code numbers. You may receive texts from any one or more of these shortcodes: 226787, 67283, 78015, 77295, or 81437. Please save these numbers and program them as the University’s text (SMS) messaging account so that you will recognize them as the official source of information. If you are registered to receive TuscAlerts from Tuscaloosa County, be aware that they may use short code numbers similar to UA. You may opt-out of the texting service by sending a text message to 226787, 67283, 78015, or 81437 with the words STOP in the body of the message. Texting STOP to any one of these shortcodes cancels messages from all four.
The system is usually tested on the first Wednesday of each month. Each test is announced in advance for planning purposes.
The contact information is deemed private and will be used by the University for official notification or business purposes only.
This service is restricted to current University of Alabama employees and students. To qualify, students must be registered for at least 1 semester hour of course work in Tuscaloosa. Each semester the database will automatically update, dropping and adding students based on their enrollment status. Similarly, employees will be added or dropped from the system as their employment status changes.
UA Alerts may also be received from the UA Safety app and by following @UA_Safety on Instagram, Facebook and X.
Easily update your contact information in myBama.
Easily update your contact information in myBama.
UA Alerts FAQ
Why does UA use the UA Alert system?
Emergencies on campus can happen at any time. This advanced system allows UA public safety officials the ability to keep students, faculty and staff safer if an emergency should happen. The system can generate voice calls, SMS Text Messages and emails to the entire campus all at the same time, thus saving valuable time that would have been lost with older systems.
Who is eligible to receive a UA Alert?
This service is restricted to UA employees and currently enrolled students at The University of Alabama who are taking at least one hour of course work on campus. Online students will not be notified.
Who can see my information?
Your information will only be used by The University of Alabama for emergency notifications and official
business use. Your information is private and will not be shared with anyone except the Emergency
Notification Service. The University has a privacy agreement with the service that prevents the disclosure
or release of the data.
Do I need to provide a home telephone number?
Emergencies can occur after regular business hours and on the weekends. The UA Alert system can contact you via your home telephone to give you specific instructions on what you should do (i.e. Don’t report to work because of heavy snow, etc.) If you do not want the system to call you at home, please leave the Area Code and Home Telephone fields blank.
In what order will the system contact me in the case of an emergency?
When an emergency message is generated by the University, the UA Alert system will send a SMS Text
Message to your cell phone, an email to your official UA email address, and will call you all at the same time.
Where will the system send my SMS Text Message?
The system will send a SMS Text Message to the mobile phone number that you provide.
Can I change my email address?
No. The UA Alert system only sends emails to official UA email accounts. For students, these are email accounts that end in "," and for employees they are email accounts that end in "" You cannot provide another email for the system.
What if I do not want to be notified of emergencies?
We strongly encourage you to provide your contact information so you will be notified if there is an emergency on campus. However, if you do not want to be notified, erase the data in each field identified in the instructions. Make sure to click the "Submit" button to save the changes.