Seek and Find/I’m OK

In an effort to reconnect students and employees with their families in the event of a campus emergency, The University of Alabama has developed a Seek and Find website. 

The intent of the website is to provide several functions:

  • To allow an individual to post their status to a publicly searchable website for others to see.
  • To allow others to determine the status of a UA student or employee after a campus emergency.
  • To report a missing person of concern to University officials after a campus emergency.
  • To determine the status of a missing person after a campus emergency.

This website is intended to be used only when needed in the event of a campus emergency. 

It will enable family members to quickly determine the status of their loved ones as well as help University officials locate missing persons.  This website will be especially helpful when telephone service is disrupted or overwhelmed due to a local emergency.  The Seek and Find/I’m OK website will remain in test mode until it is needed.


The search feature checks the I’m OK and the Report a Missing Person databases.  Anyone can search by last name to see if the person reported his/her status or if he/she is listed in the Missing Person database.  The Missing Person database will also list the person’s status (located or not located).  Viewers do not need to log into the system to conduct a search.

Report I’m OK

The I’m OK webpage is designed for students, faculty, and staff to be able to post their status on a publicly viewable UA website. Your full name and comments will be publicly viewable on the “Search” page. For faster verification, please enter your Driver’s License State and Number if known.

Note: This information is provided directly by the student, faculty, or staff member, and not by University officials.

Report a Missing Person

The site permits anyone to report missing persons to UA officials.  The reporting party must provide his/her contact information as well as the missing person’s data.  Please check the “Search” page before submitting a missing person entry to avoid duplication.