There are several human caused hazards that could impact the University.
Knowing what to do should one of these hazards develop is the key to mitigating its impact.
Active Threat
Should an active threat such as a shooter or a person with a weapon appear on campus, call the University Police at 205-348-5454 or 911 as soon as is safely possible. The University Police Department is trained to deal with active threats and will respond immediately upon notification.
Bomb Threat
If a bomb threat is received:
- Stay calm
- If your phone has caller ID, record the number displayed
- Gain the attention of someone nearby and have the person call UAPD at 205-348-5454
- Obtain the information listed in the Homeland Security Bomb Threat Checklist
If a suspicious device is found, do not move it. Clear the area and report it to the University Police. See the Suspicious Package/Device protocol.
Building Sabotage or Suspicious Package/Device
Any suspicion of building sabotage should be reported to UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911. If the building sabotage has created unsafe working conditions, please safely evacuate. Facilities will repair any damages after the investigation. Follow guidance from university officials.
If you receive or discover a suspicious package or device:
- Do not touch, move, or tamper with it.
- Call the University Police immediately at 205-348-5454.
- Do not use a cell phone within 300 feet of the suspicious package.
What constitutes a suspicious letter or parcel?
Suspicious Package Poster (pdf)
Letters or packages that have the following characteristics ought to trigger suspicion:
- Have strange odors or stains.
- Have powdery substances on the outside.
- Are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
- Have excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed address, incorrect titles or titles with no name, or misspelling of common words.
- Are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or are otherwise outdated.
- Have no return address or have one that can’t be verified as legitimate.
- Are of unusual weight, given their size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped.
- Have an unusual amount of tape.
- Are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Personal” or “Confidential.”
Civil Unrest or Criminal Threats/Actions
Civil unrest:
If public expressions become unlawful or endanger people or property, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911. Remain in a safe location or evacuate if necessary. Follow guidance from university officials.
Criminal Threats/Actions:
If you become aware of a criminal threat or illegal activity, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911. Follow guidance from university officials.
Cyber Attacks
To prevent a cyber attack, practice safe online habits.
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides many services to keep UA students and employees safe online. If you become aware or suspicious of a cyber attack on your computer, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 and OIT at 205-348-5555 immediately. Follow guidance from university officials.
Cybersecurity Tips:
- Do not share sensitive data, and do not share passwords.
- Do not open email attachments, or click on links, from sources you do not trust.
- Back up your devices regularly.
- Keep your browser and operating software up to date. Longer passwords are stronger passwords. We recommend 12 or more characters.
- Use multi-factor authentication, like Duo, for all of your online accounts. Gmail, Yahoo and iCloud all offer multi-factor authentication.
- Store passwords in a secure and encrypted environment like LastPass.
- Be smart with your smartphone. Enable secure access and have a password, pattern or biometrics to unlock your screen.
- Beware of location tracking in your device.
- Regularly review social media privacy settings to know who can see your information and posts.
- Faculty/Staff should use a VPN to connect to the UA network when off campus. Do not access sensitive information over public WiFi.
Infectious Diseases and Foodborne Outbreaks
All communities are at risk for infectious disease outbreaks. The University maintains a Student Health Center to treat non-emergency medical conditions and promote disease prevention, education, and control. Additionally, the University communicates with the Alabama Department of Public Health regarding public health concerns.
The University has partnered with ADPH to be a Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) for students, employees, and employees’ families in case of an infectious disease outbreak.
Infectious Diseases
Prevention Protocols
Foodborne Outbreaks
To help prevent or stop the spread of foodborne illness, practice good hygiene and safe food handling.
If you have reason to believe that foodborne illness outbreak is occurring in your building, contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911. If you are impacted by foodbourne illness seek immediate medical treatment.