Best Available Refuge Areas (BARAs)

The University of Alabama has identified Best Available Refuge Areas (BARAs) in many buildings on campus.

These locations are pre-identified as the best sheltering option in that building for building occupants who are unable to reach a designated storm shelter. Not all BARAs are available during a severe weather event.

The University’s designated storm shelters are open and available any time a tornado watch or tornado warning is issued for campus. Consider sheltering in a designated storm shelter in advance of tornadic weather.

BuildingsFloorBest Available Refuge Area
600 University Blvd East1Restrooms and internal closet space near B013, Restrooms and break room near Office C006, Restroom between C014 and C015, internal hallway and restroom near D010, E006, and internal hallway outside A006 and A005
Adams Hall1Room 109, restrooms outside room 109
AIME1Room 108, room 110
Alpha Chi OmegaB*Leased Residence – South stairwell, hallways, Room B101, Restroom
Alpha Delta PiB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, restrooms, hallway running East to West, hallways running North to South on each end of the long East to West hall
Alpha Gamma DeltaB*Leased Residence – Both stairwells, Chapter room
Alpha Kappa Alpha1*Leased Residence – Common restrooms, back hallway between fire doors
Alpha Kappa Alpha2*Leased Residence – Hallways, restrooms between rooms
Alpha Kappa Lambda1*Leased Residence – Common restrooms including meeting room restroom
Alpha Omicron PiB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, Restrooms, basement hallways
Alpha PhiB*Leased Residence – Chapter room, interior hallways, bathrooms, and stairwells
Alpha Tau Omega2*Leased Residence – Bathrooms
Alpha Tau Omega1*Leased Residence – Restrooms
Alston HallBRoom 10, room 20, room 30, hallway between rooms 10 and 30, room 38 (restroom), room 42 (restroom)
Alumni Hall1Common restrooms, hallway between rooms 116 and 122
Alumni Hall2Restrooms, hall between rooms 224 and 229
Ancillary Services Building1Common restrooms, hallway between common restrooms
Aquatic Center1Interior men’s and women’s restrooms, gender neutral restroom
Arboretum1Interior shower and stall in restroom. Recommend going to East Campus Storm Shelter if safe to travel.
Autherine Lucy HallBRoom 3, room 4, hallway between rooms 3 and 4
Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic1Interior hallway, Bathrooms, Room 1018, Room 1022
Automotive Services BuildingBPit area
Bailey Track Stadium1Proceed to Coleman Coliseum BARA.
Barnwell Hall1Room 1
BB Comer HallBBasement hallway between rooms 32 and 34
BB Comer Hall1Hallway between rooms 101 and 102A-F, hallway between north stairwell and room 111, closet in room 105A
Beta Theta Pi1*Leased Residence – Closets and restrooms between bedrooms
Beta Theta Pi2*Leased Residence – Closets and restrooms between bedrooms
Bevill Energy BuildingBHallways, southern two east stairwells, common restrooms
Bidgood HallBCommon restroom outside room 4, room 34, south hallway between fire doors outside of entrances to room 10
Bill Battle Athletic Performance Center (formerly Strength & Conditioning)1Proceed to Mal Moore BARA.
Blount Living Learning Center1Restrooms outside rooms 17 and 19, hallway between rooms 137 and 146
Book Storage Facility1Common restroom
Brewer Porch Bldg. D1North common bathrooms
Brewer Porch Bldg. E1North common bathrooms
Brewer Porch Bldg. F1West common bathrooms, east interior common bathroom
Brewer Porch Center1Restrooms, room 178
Brewer Porch Multipurpose Building1Common restrooms
Brewer Porch Residential Brick I1Common restroom outside room 109
Brewer Porch Residential Brick II1East common restroom
Brewer Porch Residential Wood1Northeast common restroom
Brewer Porch WACS1West hallway between restrooms
Bruno Business Library1Room 3, room 4, room 6, hallway between room 15 and stairwell including stairwell
Bryant Conference Center2Hallway between rooms 205 and 219, hallway between rooms 232 and 250
Bryant Conference Center1Stairwell outside room 123, hallway between rooms 121A and 121B, south common men’s restrooms, common restrooms outside room 131C
Bryant Hall Academic Center1West wing north stairwell, room 149, room 147, west wing common restrooms, south wing common restrooms
Bryant Museum1Common restrooms
Bryant Residence Hall1Bathrooms except outside stairwells, stairwell outside room 110, stairwell outside room 108A
Bryant Residence Hall2Stairwell outside room 211, stairwell outside room L208
Bryce House1Interior restrooms
Bryce Lawn Apartment (All Buildings)ALLInterior bathroom in each suite
Bureau of Mines Building 11Hallway
Bureau of Mines Building 2ALLProceed to Hardaway Hall
Bureau of Mines Building 3ALLProceed to Hardaway Hall
Bureau of Mines Building 4ALLProceed to Bureau of Mines Building 1
Bureau of Mines Building 5ALLProceed to Hardaway Hall
Bus Maintenance Facility1Restrooms
Business Activities1Restrooms between Rooms 1055 and 1053, Room across from 1051, Restroom outside of 1002, Room between 1040 and 1042, Room between 1022 and 1020, Room across the hall from 1071, Restrooms next to stairwell
Capital Hall2All interior hallways excluding those around the courtyard and the east and west wings.
Capital Hall1Break room (Rooms 1129, 1128), Restrooms (Rooms 1122, 1123, 1126, 1127, 1801, 1802, 1820, 1821), Copier Room 1339, Office Supplies Room 1340, Storage Room 1307, Restrooms under stairwell
Capstone College of Nursing2Bathrooms
Capstone College of Nursing1Room 1012, room 1026, room 1027, bathrooms
Capstone Parking Deck1Capstone BARA is located on the lowest level beneath the ramp.
Capstone Retirement Village1Interior halls except rooms D104 and D106
Capstone Village (All Cottages)ALLCloset inside master bathroom
Capstone Village (Hallmark Manor)ALLAll bathrooms
Capstone Village (Traditions Way)ALLAll bathrooms EXCEPT rooms 116 and 141
Carmichael Hall1Hallway between rooms 101A and 101I, hallway between center hallway and stairwell
Chi OmegaB*Leased Residence – East stairway (A003), chapter room, hallway to west stairwell (E001), restroom, and laundry room.
Chi PhiB*Leased Residence – Recreation room, hallway, restrooms
Clark Hall1North stairwell
Coleman Coliseum2All restrooms
Coleman Coliseum1Hallways
Coleman ColiseumBNorth stairwell
Construction Management and Design1Nursing Mothers Room, All Bathrooms, Room 1062 (Plan Room)
Cyber Hall1Interior hallway between rooms 1108 and 1019, Room 1015 and restrooms next to it, Interior hallway between rooms 1031 and the men’s restroom, Interior hallway between room 1036 and 1038, All stairwells
Cyber Hall2Interior hallway between rooms 2108 and 2114, Room 2110 and restrooms next to it, Interior hallway between rooms 2131 and the men’s restrooms, Interior hallway between room 2117 and 2152, All stairwells
DeJarnette Lab1Interior bathrooms and back hallway
Delta Chi1*Leased Residence – Restrooms
Delta Delta DeltaB*Leased Residence – Chapter room, restrooms, and hallways
Delta GammaB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room
Delta Kappa Epsilon1*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, men’s and women’s restrooms
Delta Sigma PhiB*Leased Residence – Common restrooms, hallways
Delta Sigma Phi1*Leased Residence – Restrooms in main house excluding restrooms in stairwell, bathrooms
Delta Sigma Phi2*Leased Residence – Shower, bathroom
Delta Tau DeltaB*Leased Residence – Event Room, Pool Table Room and adjacent hall to stairs.
Delta ZetaB*Leased Residence – Chapter room, Bathrooms, conference room, study rooms
Doster Hall1Room 104
Drummond Lyon Hall1Tornado shelter available for building occupants in Lecture Hall 1003 and adjacent restrooms (1004 and 1005).
East Annex1Interior hallway
East Campus Storm Shelter1Building located behind the Child Development Research Center (CDRC). Follow signage to storm shelter.
East Quad Energy Plant1Room 105
Employee Resource Center1Break Room 1004, Women’s Bathroom 1002, Men’s Bathroom 1006, Workroom 1014, Women’s Bathroom 1029, Men’s Bathroom 1030
Engineering Student Project Building1Common restrooms
English Building1Common restrooms
Environmental Health and Safety1Restrooms and Nursing Mothers Room
Environmental Health and Safety Warehouse1Room 1007 (Break Room); If possible, go to the EHS main building.
Erskine Ramsey Archaeological Repository1Proceed to the DeJarnette Lab BARA.
Facilities Administration Building1Common restrooms, room 138, room 171, room 172
Facilities Maintenance Building1Common restrooms, hallway outside room 109 including between rooms 133 and 134
Facilities Paint ShopALLProceed to Fleet Services Building
Farrah HallALLProceed to Wade Hall
Fleet Services Garage1Hallway at Facilities Paint Shop entrance
Fleet Services Office1Restrooms; Interior hallway and restroom near offices to the left of the main entrance
Foster Auditorium1Visitor locker, coaches locker, restrooms (102, 105, 109, 143, 133, 134, 125A, 125)
Fresh Food Company1Located in SERC – If unable to safely leave the building, seek refuge in the restroom next to the AED and the interior restroom next to the kitchen.
Gallalee Hall1Hallway between rooms 120 and 132
Gamma Phi BetaB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, Restrooms, Conference Room
Garland Hall1Closet in room 100A
Gordon Palmer Hall1Hallway between rooms A103 and A117, hallway between rooms 168 and 195, hallway between rooms 162B and 162C, hallway between rooms 130 and 162I, hallway between rooms 139 and 140 and to room 155
Gorgas Home1Stairway in room 101
Gorgas LibraryBAll interior space in Basement
Gorgas Library1interior hallways adjacent to NE and NW stairwells
Gorgas Library2Rooms 0200, 0202 H located across NW stairwell
Greek Assembly Hall1Storm Shelter – Follow signage.
GSA Core Repository Warehouse Building1Central viewing rooms
Hank Crisp Indoor Practice Facility1Proceed to Coleman Coliseum BARA.
Hardaway Hall1Hallway between rooms 102 and 107, hallway between rooms 132 and 135
Harris Hall1Hallway between rooms 101 and 110, hallway between rooms 114 and 119
Hewson HallBStorm shelter located on basement level. Follow signage.
Highlands on Hackberry (all buildings)2Bathrooms in each apartment
Highlands on Hackberry (all buildings)3Bathrooms in each apartment
Highlands on Hackberry (all buildings)1Interior hallway of each apartment
Highlands on Hackberry Commons1Hallway outside common restrooms
Hillard Property1Rooms 104 and 112
HM Comer Hall2Stairs C202 & C203; Rooms 2012, 2013, 2014, 2050, 2067, & 2068; Restrooms 2044, 2045, 2046; Mother’s Room 2049; Corridor in front of Room 2060
HM Comer Hall1Stars C102 & C103; Restrooms 1008, 1014, 1015, & 1016
HM Comer Hall3Stars C302 &303; Rooms 3016, 3044, 3045, & 3046; Restrooms 3021, 3022 & 3023
Honors Hall1Common restrooms outside room 159, hallway between room 134 and stairwell
Honors Hall AnnexALLProceed to Honors Hall
Houser Hall2Hallway
Houser HallALLWest stairwell
Human Resources Admin1Women’s Bathroom 1023, Bathroom 1021, Men’s Bathroom 1041
Human Resources Admin2Women’s Bathroom 2021
Indoor Tennis Facility1West common restrooms
Intramural ComplexALLProceed to Student Recreation Center
ISSR Building1Interior restrooms, interior hallway between rooms 106 and 104
John H. England Jr. HallBStorm shelter located on basement level.
Joint Eng./ A & S Students Projects Building1Rooms 102 and 104
Judy Bonner Child Development Center1Room 33A-C, room 18, room 171, room 173, room 69, room 52, common restrooms near room 52, hallway outside common restrooms near room 52 including from room 59 to room 174
Julia Tutwiler Hall1Proceed to storm shelter on lowest level of west side of the building.
Kappa Alpha1*Leased Residence – Women’s Restroom in Band Room; Restrooms
Kappa Alpha Theta2*Leased Residence – Interior corridors and restrooms; Corridor outside of staircase at water fountains
Kappa Alpha Theta1*Leased Residence – Serving area outside of kitchen, Corridor outside of Men and Women’s restrooms (south side of building)
Kappa DeltaB*Leased Residence – All stairwells and restrooms, hallways, and chapter room.
Kappa Kappa GammaB*Leased Residence – Chapter room away from window; all basement areas
Kappa Kappa Gamma1*Leased Residence – Common restroom
Kappa Kappa GammaB*Leased Residence – Laundry, projects room
Kappa Sigma1*Leased Residence – Recommend sheltering at Greek Assembly Hall storm shelter. Central bathrooms and office on first floor near the east stairwell are available BARA locations.
Lakeside Dining1Dining room common restrooms, hallway between rooms 109A and 109D
Lakeside Residential East1Hallways past lobby fire doors
Lakeside Residential West1Hallways past lobby fire doors
Lambda Chi Alpha2*Leased Residence – Bedroom hallways, lounge
Little HallALLProceed to Wade Hall
Lloyd HallBHallway between room 4 and room 5, hallway from room 6 to steps, hallway and restroom outside room 20A, hallway and common restrooms outside room 25
Magnolia Parking Deck1BARA located on the west side on the first floor under the ramp. Follow signage.
Mal Moore Athletics Facility1Hallway outside of locker rooms and hallway to weight room
Martha Parham Hall East2Common restrooms and stairwells
Martha Parham Hall East1Stairwell outside room 134, common restroom outside room 133B, common restroom in room 173, stairwell outside room 177
Martha Parham Hall West2Common restrooms and stairwells
Martha Parham Hall West3Interior common restrooms
Martha Parham Hall West4Interior common restrooms
Martha Parham Hall West1Hall from room 111A to the back door, short hall next to stairs, restroom behind the elevators.
Mary Burke Hall East1Common restroom outside room 132
Mary Burke Hall East2Common restrooms
Mary Burke Hall West2Common restrooms
Mary Burke Hall West1Hallway between room 115 and room 120
Mary Harmon Bryant Hall1Southeast quarter of room 117
Math and Science Building1Bathrooms and north interior stairwell
Math and Science BuildingBInterior hallways, bathrooms and north interior stairwell
Math and Science Building2North interior stairwell
Math and Science Building3North interior stairwell
Maxwell Hall1Common restroom
McLure LibraryBRestrooms, closet outside east stairwell
McMillan Building1Hallway between room 14 and corridor, hallway between computer lab (room 104) and elevator equipment room, hallway between waiting room (room 1) and women’s restroom
Moody Music Building1Restrooms next to Room 1003, Restrooms next to Room 140
Moody Music BuildingBHallway, common restrooms
Moody Music BuildingALLIf safe to do so, proceed to BARA on the lowest level of the Capstone Parking Deck.
Moundville Archaeological Park – Administration BuildingBRooms 1 and 3
Moundville Archaeological Park – Jones Archaeological MuseumBRoom 1
Moundville Archaeological Park – Jones Conference Center1Proceed to Jones Archaeological Museum BARA.
Moundville Archaeological Park – Maintenance Building1Proceed to Jones Archaeological Museum BARA.
Natatorium1Room 100, room 106, hallway and restroom outside room 124
North East Medical1Corridor from Room 1112 to Exit door; Corridor between Rooms 1125 to 1129; Corridor between rooms 1132 to 1134; Restroom 149
North Engineering ResearchBMain room, hallway, common restrooms
North Lawn Hall1Tornado shelter space designated in the following classrooms: 1010, 1011, 1014, 1015, 1018; Bathrooms and interior hallways next to bathrooms
North ten Hoor Parking DeckALLProceed to ten Hoor Parking Deck or ten Hoor Hall
OIT Operations1Bathrooms 1002, 1005, 1038, and 1041; Corridor 106
Oliver Barnard Hall1Men’s and Women’s Restrooms
Osband Hall1Room 117, hallway between room 103 and room 105
Paty Hall1Restroom 109A; East wing corridor
Paty Hall2Unisex restrooms and showers
Paty Hall3Unisex restrooms and showers
Phi Delta Theta2*Leased Residence – Closets, restrooms inside apartments (excluding room 2049)
Phi Delta Theta1*Leased Residence – Restrooms
Phi Gamma Delta1*Leased Residence – Back stairwell
Phi Gamma Delta2*Leased Residence – Back stairwell, bathroom, bedroom hallways
Phi Gamma DeltaB*Leased Residence – Storage, back stairwell
Phi Kappa Psi1*Leased Residence – Stairwells, Small room by kitchen
Phi MuB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, Lobby, Study, and main hallways
Pi Beta Phi1*Leased Residence – Bathrooms near the dining room and elevator
Pi Beta PhiB*Leased Residence – Chapter Room, Study, Bathrooms, Hallway
Pi Kappa Alpha1*Leased Residence – Common restrooms
Pi Kappa Phi1*Leased Residence – Interior bathrooms and game room with hurricane doors
Police Training Center1Restrooms, Vault
President’s Mansion1Common restrooms, storage outside mechanical room
Presidential Village I2Proceed to North Campus Storm Shelter; If unable to leave, proceed to 2nd floor hallways.
Presidential Village II2Proceed to North Campus Storm Shelter; If unable to leave, proceed to 2nd floor hallways.
Presidents Hall1Vestibule outside room 106
Printing and Mail Services Facility1Bathrooms by the printing room, inner stairwell by center elevator, bathroom by center elevator, mail room bathroom and hallway
Procurement Services1Rooms 1006, 1014, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1027, and Restrooms 1027 and 1044
Procurement Services Annex1Restroom and Nursing Mothers Room, Copier Room
Reese-Phifer Hall1Hallway between room 148 and room 180, hallway between room 101 and room 115
Ridgecrest East1Interior hallways except in front common area
Ridgecrest South1Interior hallways except in front common areas
Ridgecrest South Parking DeckALLSouth two lanes
Ridgecrest West1Interior hallways except in front common area
Riverside Commons1Common restrooms
Riverside Commons2Hallway between common restrooms
Riverside East1Interior hallways except in front common area
Riverside North1Interior hallways except in front common area
Riverside West1Interior hallways except in front common area
Robert E. Witt Student Activity CenterBFollow signage to tornado shelter in the basement
Rodgers Library2Common restrooms
Rodgers Library1Common restrooms, hallway between room 105 and stairwell, hallway between room 114 and room 117
Rose AdministrationBInterior hallways from hall doors north (near lounge, elevators), interior restrooms
Rowand Johnson HallBEast interior hallway including common restrooms, west center stairwell
Ruby Tyler Building1Interior restrooms, Nursing Mother’s Room (0201), Conference Room (0224), Interior hallways
Russell Hall1Common restrooms outside lecture hall, front stairwell, east corridor between fire doors
Russell Hall2Common restrooms outside lecture hall, lecture hall lobby, front stairwell, east and west hallways between fire doors and including stairwells, front common restrooms
Russell Hall3North common restrooms
School of Law1Hallway from room 132 to end of the hall, hallway from room 141 to room 160, hallway between room 172 and room 192, room 172, and room 192.
School of Medicine2Hallway between room D201 and stairwell including stairwell
School of Medicine1Hallway from room H105A to room D103, hallway from room H102 to room E106, interior stairwell, room B111, room B114, room B116, room B117
Science and Engineering Complex1Common restrooms outside room 1301, hallway between rooms 1306 and 1346, hallway and stairwell between room 1314 and room 1318
Science and Engineering Complex2Common restrooms outside room 2303, hallway between rooms 2317 and 2324, hallway between room 2306 and room 2336, hallway and stairwell between room 2308 and room 2315
Science and Engineering Complex3Common restrooms outside room 3302, hallway between rooms 3306 and 3333, hallway between room 3313 and room 3318, hallway and stairwell between room 3306 and room 3311
Sewell-Thomas Stadium2All stairways
Sewell-Thomas Stadium1All stairways, All restrooms
Sewell-Thomas StadiumGAll stairways, hallway between rooms 1036 and 1031, hallway from rooms 1030 to 1023 and 1018E, Women and Men’s restrooms, hallway from 1034 to 1011, Restroom 1016A, hallway from room 1016 to 1005
Shared Administrative Services1Restroom between Rooms 1055 and 1053, Room across from 1051, Restroom outside of Room 1002, Room between Rooms 1040 and 1042, Room between Rooms 1022 and 1020, Room across the hall from Room 1071, Bathrooms next to stairwell
Shelby Hall1Interior hall except at exits
Sigma Chi1*Leased Residence – Common restroom near front of building, men’s restroom in party room, east stairwell and adjacent hallway between fire doors
Sigma Chi2*Leased Residence – Stairwells on East and West ends (not center stairs), hallway running east to west between rooms 205 and 209 (closing fire doors), hallway running east to west and north to south (closing fire doors) between rooms 234 Ð 239
Sigma Kappa2*Leased Residence – Restrooms, hallways except for south hallway near rooms 200 and 206
Sigma NuB*Leased Residence – Chapter room, recreation room, office
Sigma Nu1*Leased Residence – Common restrooms
Sigma Phi Epsilon2*Leased Residence – Interior media room, TV room/den
Sigma Phi Epsilon1*Leased Residence – Interior restrooms, Male restroom in Party Room, Hallway between Party Room and Stairs
Sigma PiB*Leased Residence – Basement
Sigma Pi1*Leased Residence – Storage closet and interior men’s restroom
Sigma Tau GammaB*Leased Residence – Stairwell and elevator lobby
Smart Communities and Innovation Building (SCIB)1Hallway from Room 1052/1049 to Room 1025, Room 1018, and restrooms
Smith Hall1Interior halls
Smith Woods (all buildings)1Bedroom hallway
Soccer StadiumALLProceed to Student Recreation Center
Softball Club House1Room 101, room 104, room 105
South Engineering Research Center1Room 1013, room 1059, common restrooms
South Lawn Offices (Collegiate Recovery)1Interior hallways excluding corridors with glass
South Lawn Offices (WGRC)1Restrooms, Waiting Room, Storage Room, Interior hallway from room 3056 to 3048.
Speech and Hearing Building1Northwest hallway
Stadium Drive Parking Deck1Southeast quarter
Stallings Center (RISE)1Recommended: Proceed to East Campus Storm Shelter; BARA: Restroom near room 121, Closet inside room 111, Closet and storage room next to room 111, and restroom next to room 115.
Stran-Hardin Arena (Adapted Athletics)1Restrooms and Locker rooms
Student Center Parking Deck1Eastern section of deck behind ramp to second level
Student Health CenterALLProceed to School of Medicine
Student Media Building1Room 1018, common restrooms, hall between room 1022 and room 1028
Student Recreation Center1Locker rooms, room 155, room 156, hallway outside room 154
Student Services Center1Room 106C, room 106E, room 106F, room 106J, room 106K, room 105T (File Room), room 104G and 104H (break area), room 103C, room 103D, room 103E, common restrooms
Supestore at the Corner/Starbucks1Bathrooms; If safe to do so, take shelter in the Magnolia Parking Deck BARA.*
Ten Hoor HallBCenter hallway
Theater and Dance1Hallway around room 117
Theater and Dance Warehouse1Bathroom
Theta ChiB*Leased Residence – Storage
Tom Barnes Hall1Interior hallways between rooms 1033-1057, interior hallways between rooms 1001-1014, and renovated bathrooms
Transportation Hub Deck1Inside hallways, common restrooms outside room 166, room 166, room 155, room 127, room 128
Tuomey Hall1Restrooms and Nursing Mothers Room
UA Student Center3All restrooms, Stairway across from room 3103, Stairway next to Women’s restroom (3608), Stairway next to room 3432
UA Student Center1Restrooms near room 1702 and 1815, restrooms across from room 1810, hallway from room 1810 to elevator
UA Student Center2Room between 2200D and Wendy’s, All restrooms, Stairway next to room 2617, Stairway next to room 2635, Stairway next to room 2400
UAPD GarageALLProceed to Main UAPD Building
UAPD Main Building/ UPC1Area near the holding cells
UAPD/TPD Strip Precinct1Restrooms
University Club1Women’s Restroom, Men’s Restroom, Stairwell next to kitchen
University Hall1Corridor 106 (East to West); Restrooms 1002, 1003, 1005, 1035, 1036, 1111, 1305, 1306; Mother’s Room; Interior Stairwell
University Hall2Restrooms: 2002, 2003, 2005
University Hall3Restrooms: 3002, 3003, 3005
University HallALLIf safe to do so, proceed to Greek Assembly Hall storm shelter.
University Support East1Restrooms, Rooms 009 and 010
University Support West1Restrooms, Boot Room (1021)
Varsity Tennis StadiumALLProceed to Student Recreation Center
Wade HallBHallway, common restrooms
Welcome Center–Bryant Denny Stadium1Storage closet at south wall; Public restrooms in common area near south entrance
Woods Hall1Common restroom
Zeta Beta TauB*Leased Residence – Restrooms, chapter room, hallway between chapter room and both stairs
Zeta Tau AlphaB*Leased Residence – Chapter room, Rooms 010, 011, interior hallways, and bathrooms