1. AED – Automated External Defibrillator–a small portable device used in medical emergencies to analyze the heart’s rhythm and prompts the user to administer a defibrillation shock if needed. (Depending on the model, some units may deliver the shock automatically.)
2. Best Available Refuge Area – Term used to identify areas within existing buildings that are likely to provide the best option for safety during a tornado. This term should not be confused with a tornado safe room, which is specifically built to FEMA 361 standards.
3. Cancelling Classes – See Suspension of Normal Operations and Activities.
4. Closing the University – See Suspension of Normal Operations and Activities.
5. Crisis Communication – An informational message following an emergency notification that provides a situational update. Note: A crisis communication may be delivered multiple ways–UA homepage posting, email, media, etc.
6. Excessive Heat Warning – The Heat Index is greater than 110 or the air temperature is greater than 105 degrees.
7. Hard Freeze Warning – Conditions are imminent for a hazardous freezing event in or close to the warning area. For central Alabama, this is issued when temperatures are expected to reach 15 degrees or below.
8. Hard Freeze Watch – Conditions are favorable for a hazardous freezing event in and close to the watch area. For central Alabama, this is issued when termperatures are expected to reach 15 degrees or below.
9. HazMat – Term used to refer to hazardous materials–chemicals and other substances that are hazardous to humans or the environment if used or released improperly. These materials come in the form of explosives, flammable or combustible substances, poisons, and radioative materials.
10. Heat Advisory – The Heat Index is greater than 105 degrees or air temperature is between 100-105 degrees.
11. Heat Index – This is a combination of air temperature and humidity. This measurement is used to determine how hot it really feels when relative humidity is factored with the actual air temperature.
12. Isolation – Separating ill individuals from the general population and restricting their movement until they are no longer contagious.
13. Lightning – Lightning is a discharge of atmospheric electricity with flashes of light. It may occur between clouds or with the ground and is usually found in thunderstorms. Thunder is the sound produced by the lightning moving through the atmosphere.
14. Lockdown – A term used to describe an emergency procedure that controls or restricts access to buildings for safety reasons. Because The University of Alabama has over 300 buildings, an open campus, and a state highway that bisects the property, it is not possible to lockdown the entire campus. However, it is possible to lockdown particular buildings.
15. Mitigation – This phase of the emergency management cycle refers to efforts taken to minimize the potential damage and/or injury sustained during a crisis.
16. NIMS – National Incident Management System (NIMS). A system created by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security used to manage domestic incidents.
17. Pandemic – Usually associated with an epidemic that covers a large area, including a country, a continent, or the world.
18. Preparedness – Preparedness refers to measures taken to ready the University for possible emergencies. This emergency management phase includes strategies, protocols, and processes.
19. Prevention – Prevention is the first phase in the emergency management cycle. It refers to steps taken to reduce the likelihood of a crisis occurring.
20. Quarantine – The separation and restriction of movement of those persons not ill but believed to have been exposed.
21. Recovery – This is the last phase of the emergency management cycle. It refers to efforts undertaken to restore operation after an emergency.
22. Response – This phase of the emergency management cycle focuses on activities that control or terminate emergencies.
23. Severe Thunderstorm Warning – A severe thunderstorm has been spotted or indicated by radar in your area. Severe thunderstorms are associated with heavy rain, strong gusts of wind, and possibly hail.
24. Significant Weather Advisory – Typically the National Weather Service will issue this under the product name Special Weather Statement (SPS), a Significant Weather Advisory is issued to keep the public and media abreast of weather situations that are significant,(yet do not meet the criteria for a severe thunderstorm warning)but not thought to be life-threatening. Examples include excessive lighting, winds below 58 mph, hail less than 1 inch, etc.
25. Suspension of Normal Operations and Activities – Term used when the University temporarily suspends normal operations and activities. The suspension occurs if there is a significant emergency or dangerous situation (i.e. severe weather, etc.). The suspension generally includes academic classes/instruction, business operations, sporting events, conferences, socials, and outdoor activities. During a suspension of normal operations and activities, essential personnel (as determined by the circumstances) continue to provide needed services until the significant emergency or dangerous situation has been resolved.
26. Tornado Warning – An alert issued by the National Weather Service indicating that a tornado has been sighted or is indicated by radar in the area. Seek safe shelter immediately. A tornado warning generally covers a small area and may last for 45 minutes.
27. Tornado Watch – A National Weather Service alert indicating conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes. Watches are generally issued for several counties and are intended to alert the public that weather conditions, which may be clear at moment, could deteriorate quickly.
28. UA Alert – (1.) An informational message that alerts community members of an immediate threat. This notification allows community members to evaluate their personal situation and choose their best strategy to avoid becoming a victim and if possible, to safely mitigate a significant emergency or dangerous situation. (2.) An informational message sent to community members when an immediate threat has ended (an all clear message). Note: UA Alerts may be delivered multiple ways – emails, text messages, telephone, digital signage, webpage, etc.
29. UAPD Campus Advisory – An informational advisory to the University community of threats concerning safety or property crime that enables community members to take preventive measures to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a crime. UAPD Campus Advisories are distributed by email, through the UA Safety App, and posted on the Advisories page of UAPD’s website.
30. Winter Storm Warning – A significant winter storm hazard is occurring, imminent, or has a high probability of occurrence. This includes heavy snow, sleet, freezing rain, ice, wind, or any combination thereof. Travel conditions are very hazardous or impossible. This potential winter event is expected in the 0 to 36 hour time frame. For snow–more than 2 inches of snow is possible in a 12 hour time frame; Sleet–accumulations of ice pellets 1 inch or more; Wind Chill–wind chills of -10 degrees or colder.
31. Winter Storm Watch – A severe winter conditions may affect the area within 12 to 48 hour time frame. The winter event may include heavy snow (locally defined as 2 or more inches in a 12 hour period), accumulations of freezing rain or freezing drizzle with accumulations of 0.25 inches or more, sleet accumulations of 1 inch or more, or a combination of these events. A watch is usually issued first and gives a longer notice of the potential for winter weather.
32. Winter Weather Advisory – Periods of snow or sleet will cause travel difficulties. Drive cautiously and be prepared for slippery roads and limited visibility.