What to do in an Emergency


Types of Emergencies

Medical Emergency

For all medical emergencies, call UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911. UAPD officers will most likely arrive before paramedics and will render first aid.

If you are interested in first aid or CPR training, Save A Life Training (S.A.L.T.) is offered by the Emergency Medical Services Program, a part of the Institute for Rural Health Research in the College of Community Health Sciences. Contact Travis Parker for more information.

Mental Health Emergency

On occasions, people can experience tremendous stress or emotional instability that could result in harm to themselves or others. Should you encounter someone who fits these criteria, it is vital that you immediately report it to either the University Police by calling 205-348-5454 or the University Counseling Center at 205-348-3863. Doing so may save someone from being harmed.

UAPD is staffed 24/7 and has trained officers in mental health illnesses.

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or just need to talk to someone, contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988.


In the event of fire:

  • Pull the fire alarm and start an orderly evacuation of the building. The fire alarm will contact Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue and UAPD.
  • If you know how to use a fire extinguisher, and it is safe to do so, attempt to put out the fire.
  • If the fire is too large to be put out by a fire extinguisher, leave the room and close the door.
  • From a safe location, call UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911.

For fire alarms:

  • When a fire alarm sounds, all building occupants must promptly evacuate.
  • Re-entry is only permitted when authorized by UAPD, Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue (TFR), or the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.
Hazardous Materials


Do not try to clean up a chemical spill unless you know the chemical(s) involved, the protective equipment to use, materials needed, and how to proceed without endangering yourself or others.

In the event of a spill:

  • Provide first aid to any injured people.
  • Confine the spill by spreading absorbent material around the spill area.
  • If flammable liquids are spilled, extinguish all ignition sources such as Bunsen burners. Do not turn on any electrical switches or equipment.
  • Call UAPD at 205-348-5454 and/or EHS at 205-348-5905.


If you suspect a gas leak, immediately contact UAPD at 205-348-5454 or 911 and leave the area.

Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages


Bomb threats are usually made by telephone. If you receive such a call, remain calm and get as much information as you can from the caller.

Ask the following:

  • Where is the bomb?
  • When will the bomb explode?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • What does it look like?
  • Who placed the bomb?
  • Why did they place the bomb?
  • What is your name?
  • Where are you?

Call UAPD immediately at 205-348-5454 and provide the information you obtained. Try to describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.


UAPD and our partners law enforcement agencies have the equipment and training to deal with suspicious items. If you receive or observe a suspicious letter or package:

  • If you are off campus, call your local police or 911.
  • Do not panic and do not open the package. If you have opened it, remain calm.
  • Call UAPD at 205-348-5454.
If you become the victim of a sexual assault

UAPD encourages anyone who has been or becomes a victim or survivor of a crime of a sexual nature to seek assistance as soon as possible after the incident. Resources exist that are designed to provide both physical and emotional support and counseling for sexual assault victims/survivors. Regardless of whether the victim/survivor decides to report the incident to law enforcement and where the incident occurred, we encourage the victim/survivor to seek out the other support that is available below. For emergencies, always dial 911 or 205-348-5454.

Other Resources:

Title IX Office

Counseling Center

Women and Gender Resource Center

Tuscaloosa SAFE Center

Safe Zone Resource Center (LGBTQA+)

ComPsych Guidance Resources for UA Employees

University Medical Center Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Clinic

Capstone Family Therapy Clinic

Turning Point

Reporting an Emergency

When you or someone else is having an emergency, don’t hesitate. Report the emergency immediately. To report an emergency on campus, call the University Police at 205-348-5454 or 911

You may also use any of the Emergency Blue Phones located throughout campus.  These phones are connected directly to the University’s police communication center.

For convenience, program UAPD’s phone number (205-348-5454) into your phone. If you are using a campus phone, dial 8-5454. Dialing 911 on a campus phone will connect you directly with UAPD.

Calling 911 from a cell phone on or near campus will connect you with the Tuscaloosa County 911 Center. On campus emergencies will be transferred to the appropriate agency and UAPD.

When you make an emergency call, be sure to state the nature of the emergency, location (building and room number), your name, phone number, and any other pertinent information.

EmergencyDial 911
Tuscaloosa Police205-349-2121
Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue205-349-1100
Northport Police205-339-6600
Tuscaloosa County Sheriff205-752-0616
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Highway Patrol205-553-5531
Northstar Emergency Medical Services (Ambulance)205-345-0911
DCH Regional Medical Center205-759-7111
DCH Northport Medical Center205-333-4500
Poison Control Center800-222-1222
Tuscaloosa SAFE Center205-860-7233
Suicide and Crisis LifelineCall or Text 988